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HR policy - Instructional Academic Staff (IAS) promotion instructions for preparing the electronic portfolio

The Guide to Instructional Academic Staff (IAS) Promotion is intended to be a practical resource to the University’s promotion policies and their implementation.
 Functional Owner Academic Departments
 Executive Sponsors Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
 Policy Contact N/A

Who this policy applies to:
Instructional Academic Staff (IAS).

The Guide to Instructional Academic Staff (IAS) Promotion is intended to be a practical resource to the University’s promotion policies and their implementation.

Policy Detail: 

There are four steps involved in preparing an electronic portfolio for review by IASPC involving the candidate, the department chair, the dean, and the Provost’s office. All portfolios submitted for review will be electronic.


The candidate’s role is to create an electronic report for submission to his/her department and dean using the following guidelines and attending to the instructions and parameters included in the box below.

All* materials for progression will be electronic and entered into the Digital Measures electronic portfolio system. (* See “Large Items” exception in Guidelines BOX below) Eventually all IAS will have their activities entered using the fields (categories) specified by the electronic system. However, currently, the following guidelines are in place.

  • Activities from a minimum of the past three (3) academic years (6 semesters) should be entered into the system. In addition, the system allows for IAS members to post a curriculum vita representing their work prior to the material entered into the system.
  • If a curriculum vitae is included, headings should be included and information under each heading/subheading should be listed in chronological order, single-spaced, with the most recent year first.

Once the candidate has extracted his/her file following the guidelines provided in the box below, he/she will need to edit the file such that the evidence links for teaching, PD/CA/Sch and/or service are in order of importance and that the number of evidence links does not exceed 10 per area (see section 5.1.3 for further guidance). Candidates should make sure to remove any duplicate entries.

  • Syllabi are not included in the count toward teaching. Candidates should make sure that for each course taught in the past six semesters there is only one of the most recent syllabi linked to the report.
  • Any entries included with individual courses under Additional Information Regarding Pedagogy for this Course and Assessment of Teaching are not included on the promotion report.  Therefore, if the candidate would like the IASPC to consider the information contained in these areas, it should be addressed in the narrative or in one of the evidentiary links.

The candidate forwards the file to the departmental IAS Promotion Committee (as defined by departmental bylaws). Departmental bylaws may indicate additional security or distribution methods.

The candidate may make changes to the portfolio only if the departmental committee recommends changes.


  1. Uploads the promotion materials (in PDF format) at the department level. The department IAS Promotion report should include the following attachments:
    1. Department IAS Promotion Committee letter.
    2. Department Chair letter (optional).
    3. Scanned version of the candidate’s position description.
    4. Scanned version of the candidate’s most recent IDP.
    5. Department’s Statement on Professional Development, Creative Activity and Scholarly Activity
    6. Description of Department’s SEI and Merit procedures.
    7. Scanned version of the Department Promotion Committee Transmittal & Signature Page.
    8. Statistical Information on the Candidate – SEI and merit rankings vis a vis the department.
  2. Selects “IAS report-Departmental” under run report.
  3. Double-checks that the report contains the appropriate elements from the correct dates. Any materials linked to this IAS Departmental Report (e.g., Department IAS Promotion Committee letter, IDP, etc.) should be attached in PDF format. The final IAS Departmental Report should then be saved as .html or PDF.
  4. Forwards the departmental report, the candidate report and the original Department Promotion Committee Transmittal & Signature Page to the Dean (cc’d to candidate). The date of the email indicates the receipt of the portfolio.


  1. Uploads his/her statement of support.
  2. Transmits this, along with candidate and departmental files, to the Office of the Provost with email
    1. cc to candidate and department chair.
  3. If the Dean does not support the candidate’s application, he/she should provide reasons for lack of support and send an electronic copy of this statement to the candidate and department chair.
  4. Converts all documents to PDF format, uploads the entire portfolio to the secure Canvas site for IASPC and stores a copy in a secure place.


  1. Creates a Canvas site containing the documents for the year under consideration.  The Deans, Faculty Assistant to the Provost, administrative assistant and IASPC chair will be entered as “instructors.” IASPC members will be entered as “students” in the course and will enter the secure Canvas site with their Net ID and password.
  2. Creates four master modules in the LMS where IAS Promotion materials are housed – one for each title series and rank category (Assistant Teaching Professor to Associate Teaching Professor, Clinical Assistant Professor to Clinical Associate Professor, Associate Teaching Professor to Teaching Professor, and Clinical Associate Professor to Clinical Professor)
  3. Creates a module for each candidate with three topics: “candidate’s report” “department report” and “Dean’s report”
  4. Notifies IASPC members if there are additional non-electronic materials for any of the candidates stored in the Office of the Provost.

Final comment: Electronic media is a quickly changing arena and it is expected that IASPC will need to review Appendix D on a regular basis. If you feel that the parameters of this electronic portfolio will impede your ability to create your promotion file, you are encouraged to contact the chair of IASPC or the Provost.

Revision history:
Revisions made in June 2022 to change "Lecturer" title series to "Teaching Professor" title series. 
Reviewed - July 2020
Technical Revisions on 10/14/2021 - updated D2L to "Canvas"

Supporting tools:


Links to related information:

IAS promotion 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Carri O. in UW-La Crosse
UW-La Crosse