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HR employee resources - Clarification to ranked faculty FTE reduction (part-time appointment)

This clarification is specific to ranked faculty. IAS are on contracts associated with a percentage and their contracts reflect different conditions of employment than ranked faculty. For the purposes of this clarification, “leave” is used to refer to FMLA or other sick leave; whereas FTE reduction need not involve traditional leave and is based on a request from a faculty member to department/Dean/Provost. Faculty should consult with HR regarding leave and/or FTE reduction.

Background: Ranked faculty may request an FTE reduction (part time appointment) for a semester or an academic year through their department and Dean for Provost’s approval. Faculty Senate and the Chancellor endorsed a part-time work policy that reflects on the process of personnel review associated with reduced appointments. 

Clarifying Statement. Faculty requesting a reduction in load for one semester or more should go through the process of an MOU and approvals. FMLA leave calculations should not be used as the basis for the load. 

  • A reduction in instructional duties are the primary focus of a reduced FTE/part-time contract for ranked faculty in order for the university to be able to utilize the vacancy salary savings to cover courses. 
  • For a full Academic Year reduction, MOUs should be at 80%, 75%, 60%, or 50% (unless approved by HR and the Provost). 
    • 80% would be for a reduction in teaching a 3-credit* course, each semester. This applies to a reduction in teaching only with no change to service expectations. 
    • 75% would be a reduction in teaching a 3-credit* course and some modification to service expectations such as advising, etc. 
    • 60% would be a reduction in six credits of teaching per semester (or instructional equivalent) and no reduction in service expectations. 
    • 50% would indicate a reduction in teaching of six credits per semester (or instructional equivalent) and a reduction in service. 
  • The reduction will be based on a faculty member’s 9-month salary and not per semester (e.g., if a faculty member is seeking a reduction in only one semester, the reduction of one 3-credit course would result with a 10% reduction of the faculty member’s annual salary). If the reduction is for one semester the reduction in salary will be spread out over the remaining pay periods for the year. 
  • Workload reduction arrangements are based on overarching university understandings. Departmental by-law statements regarding teaching/scholarship/service are unaffected. 
  • Review of and expectations for the scholarly outcomes should be guided by the Faculty Senate part-time work policy and the percent of FTE reduction the faculty member received and the MOU on file. 
  • Library workload will need to be considered and approved by the department, Director and the Provost. 
  • Any faculty member wishing to combine sick leave or other forms of leave with a reduced contract should consult with HR. Furthermore, the faculty member should be sure to understand the impact of a reduced appointment on benefits and retirement by making inquiries with HR. 
*when contact hours are used, 15 contact hours is used as the base for a full-time faculty member; when credit hours are used, 12 hours is used as the base for a full-time faculty member. 


 (4) A leave of absence, sabbatical or a teacher improvement assignment which is approved by the Provost/Vice Chancellor shall be documented in the faculty member's personnel file. The length of any of these circumstances shall be rounded to the nearest semester or academic year. The effect of any of these circumstances on the faculty member's tenure decision date shall be noted in that faculty member's annual retention letter. 

Revision history:

Original adoption by Chancellor, December 5, 2007
Clarification added, September 2020
Additional clarification added, December 2020 regarding the application of the reduction during a one semester request.  The original intent is not changed.

Supporting tools:


Links to related information:

part-time faculty, clarification, FTE reduction 
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Carri O. in UW-La Crosse
UW-La Crosse