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HR policy - Ethics and conflicts of interest

All University of Wisconsin System employees are required to comply with the code of ethics applicable to their employment status. These codes are designed to prevent conflicts between an employee's private interests and public responsibilities.
 Functional Owner Chief Human Resources Officer
 Executive Sponsors Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance
 Policy Contact Assistant Director for Talent Management, Human Resources

Who this policy applies to:
All UW employees, including student help.

These codes are designed to prevent conflicts between an employee's private interests and public responsibilities.

Policy Detail:

All University of Wisconsin System employees are required to comply with the code of ethics applicable to their employment status. These codes are designed to prevent conflicts between an employee's private interests and public responsibilities.

  • The rules for faculty, academic staff, and limited employees are in Ch. UWS 8, Wisconsin Administrative Code.
  • The rules for university staff employees are in UW System Regent policy 20-22.
  • The standards for UW System employees who are state public officials (generally high-level administrators) are found in Chapter 19 of the Wisconsin statutes. UW System employees in this group include, generally, the President, vice presidents, and associate and assistant vice presidents of the University of Wisconsin System. Chancellors and vice chancellors of each System university are state public officials. Members of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System are also state public officials. 

Revision history:
Last revisions was August 2018

Supporting tools:


Links to related information:

KeywordsOAR, outside activity reporting, ethics and conflicts of interest   Doc ID103678
OwnerCarri O.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2020-07-07 11:39:35Updated2020-07-14 08:40:27
SitesUW-La Crosse
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