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HR policy - Student appointments and wages policy

Per the UW System Administrative Policy 1237, which outlines the University of Wisconsin System (UWS) provisions specific to student employment, all student workers should be paid on an hourly basis, and hours of service should be tracked accordingly.
 Functional Owner  Chief Human Resources Officer
 Executive Sponsors  Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance
 Policy Contact  Assistant Director for Payroll and Operations, Human Resources

Who this policy applies to:
All student help positions.

Rationale:Per the UW System Administrative Policy 1237, which outlines the University of Wisconsin System (UWS) provisions specific to student employment, all student workers should be paid on an hourly basis, and hours of service should be tracked accordingly.

Policy Detail:

Human Resources will review the request and will contact the department as to whether or not the request is approved. If the request is approved, the department will be required to track hours for worked performed for the lump sum payment. Hours must be submitted to Human Resources by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday following the end of a pay period (per the payroll schedule).

Hourly Wage
The wage scale that follows establishes levels of jobs for student employees; Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.  Questions concerning the appropriate level for a given job should be directed to Human Resources.  The current minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. All rates presented below are effective as of July 1, 2023.
Classification level Pay Rates
Entry $9.00 - $11.00
Intermediate $11.00 - $13.00
Advanced $13.00 - $16.00
Entry Level     ($9.00 - $11.00)
General Description: Minimum or no skills required.  Work done under close supervision; procedures are well established; employees are not usually required to make decisions which are not well defined in policies and/or procedures; work is routine and non-complex.
Examples of this type of work: data entry, office assistant, library assistant
Intermediate Level      ($11.00 - $13.00)
General Description: Requires relevant job related skills or training and/or prior experience.  Work that requires for a major portion of the time, so independent judgment and initiative; requires special knowledge, skills or abilities; requires a major amount of heavy physical exertion; involves adverse hours or working conditions; supervisory responsibility for an activity of limited size.
Examples of this type of work: maintenance assistant,  customer service attendant
Advanced Level          ($13.00 - $16.00)
General Description: Work that requires, for a major portion of the time, advanced specialized knowledge, skills or abilities with only general supervision; involves supervisory responsibilities for large or complex activities, usually involving a number of concurrent activities; considerable problem solving and decision making with consequence for error.
Examples of this type of work: computer intern,  accounting intern,  office lead worker
Pay Changes, Budget Changes & Terminations
It is appropriate for students to receive an increase of $.10 to $.25 per hour when returning to the same job for a second year based on satisfactory performance.
When there is a change to the hourly wage rate, budget code or a student appointment is to be ended, the change should be submitted to Human Resources via the Student Employee Action Form. Changes will become effective on the following bi-weekly pay cycle.
Exceptions to the Range Maximum for Advanced Level
The university may, based on extenuating circumstances, allow for an expectation to the maximum wage listed in this policy.  This exception must be justified, based on market factors and a history of failed ability to place a student worker, and be approved by the Budget Office and Human Resources prior to any offer of employment is made to the student worker.  To seek approval, a student help supervisor must first contact Human Resources. 

Revision history:
Last revision was April 2021.  The $14.00 / hour maximum and exceptions to the maximum of the range will become effective July 1, 2022.
Last revision was July 2023.   The ranges amounts increased. 

Supporting tools:
See "Links to related information"


Links to related information:

Keywordsstudent wages   Doc ID103699
OwnerCarri O.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2020-07-07 13:32:52Updated2024-03-21 10:12:43
SitesUW-La Crosse
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