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HR employee resources - Instructional Academic Staff promotion resources

The Guide to Instructional Academic Staff (IAS) Promotion is intended to be a practical resource to the University’s promotion policies and their implementation.

Guide to IAS promotions

  • Guide to IAS promotions and portfolio development at UW-La Crosse (.pdf)
    • Appendix A: Faculty Senate by-law for IAS Promotion Committee
    • Appendix B: Title series, ranks and promotion guidelines
    • Appendix C: IAS promotion committee rules and procedures
    • Appendix D: Instructions for preparing the electronic portfolio
    • Appendix E: Promotion forms prepared by the department


IAS promotion eligibility

  • Is your position redbooked? Only redbooked IAS members are permitted promotion. If you are not sure if your position is redbooked, check with either your department chair or HR.
  • From IAS Promotion Guidelines Appendix B: Promotion is a privilege based upon qualifications exceeding established minimal criteria and is recommended by an informed collective peer judgment. All concerned should understand clearly that eligibility status and departmental or office recommendation for promotion does not assure or imply that recommended promotion will be made.
Rank Minimum experience at UWL Minimum experience total Other
Assistant Teaching Professor to Associate Teaching Professor
Clinical Assistant Professor to Clinical Associate Professor
6 (six)
completed semesters teaching at UWL at assistant/clinical assistant rank
10 (ten)
completed semesters teaching total
-Excellence in Teaching
-Active role in improving instruction in department
-Active role in service to department
-Established Professional Dev/Scholarship OR university or professional service
Associate Teaching Professor to Teaching Professor
Clinical Associate Professor to Clinical Professor
4 (four)
completed semesters teaching at UWL at associate/clinical associate rank
20 (twenty)
completed semesters teaching total
-Well-respected in department for sustained Excellence in Teaching
-Leadership role in enhancing departmental curriculum
-Sustained role in departmental service
-Sustained Professional Dev/Scholarship OR sustained service to university and profession
-Leadership roles at department, university, and/or professional level

Promotion schedule 

Event Timeline
Promotion portfolio due to Department Chairs from individual Timeline set by each department
Promotion portfolio with department materials due to the Deans (from Department Chairs) First Friday of December
Dean's Office uploads Dean's recommendation and the candidate reports (individual and departmental) to the IAS Promotion D2L site - notifies Faculty Senate and PVC First Friday of January
IASPC recommendations due to Provost office (Portfolios are transferred to Human Resources office) First Friday of February
Provost recommendations due to Human Resources Within 14 days of receiving IASPC recommendations
Human Resources issues notification letters to all IAS applicants Within 7 days of receiving Provost decisions
New title takes effect July 1 of next academic year

Teaching Assignment Information (TAI)

Open meetings law

Other IAS promotion resources

Contents of promotion packet

  1. Letter of support from Applicant's Department. Departments are encouraged to review their departmental bylaws and to develop their own procedures to address this process. During the first year of implementation and in departments whose bylaws do not include a process for IAS promotion, it shall be the responsibility of the department chair to provide the required letter of support.
  2. Letter from the Applicant's Dean. In keeping with the faculty promotion process, a letter of support from the Dean should be limited to a simple statement of support. However, in the event of non-support, a letter would be required to explain the reasons for non-support.
  3. Curriculum Vitae. Included only if the candidate would like information prior to that entered into Digital Measures to be considered by the CPC.
  4. Evidence of Review of Performance. This can be in the form of a peer review, department chair evaluation, department merit review report or Individual Development Plan (IDP).
  5. SEIs from the Last Six Semesters of Teaching. This information would be provided or verified by the Department Chair.
  6. Portfolio. The details of the contents and format of the portfolio shall be determined by the Fall 2007 IASPC no later than September 30, 2007. Prior to this date, however, any IAS who may be contemplating career progression may be best advised to consult the faculty promotion model when beginning to assemble their materials.

Promotion committee

The IASPC shall be a standing committee of the UWL Faculty Senate. Its purpose is to review and to make recommendations to the Provost regarding title advancement of eligible IAS applicants.


Membership of the committee shall consist of one non-voting ex officio member (the IAS Liaison to the Provost) and seven voting members of the faculty selected by the Faculty Senate. Membership shall be representative of the colleges/divisions and include at least one representative from each college/unit. These members shall be IAS at the Teaching Professor or Clinical Associate Professor level or tenured ranked faculty at the Associate Professor level (or higher), with no more than two seats held by ranked Faculty. The academic deans, or their designees, shall serve as administrative consultants to the committee.

instructional academic staff promotion, ias promotion 
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Carri O. in UW-La Crosse
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