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HR employee resources - Personnel review for faculty with appointments/assignments outside of their departments

The goal of this statement is to clarify the personnel review process and outcomes for faculty involved in these situations. A link to a list of known positions is provided at the end of this document.

Faculty members are required by UW System policy to receive a personnel review annually. In addition, tenured faculty are required to have a post-tenure review every 5-years. Faculty are reviewed on teaching, scholarship, and service. The requirement for annual review and post-tenure review extends to faculty members who have appointments outside of the department (e.g., such as serving in the Dean’s Office) while maintaining their tenure track/tenured position within an academic department.

For the annual review and the post-tenure review the outside unit’s supervisor will provide a review of the faculty member’s work and the department will review work associated with department-related teaching, scholarship, and service. The department is responsible for requesting the review of the work external to the department to include in the post-tenure review materials; although the faculty member should also be proactive about securing the review. The outside unit’s supervisor review should include a brief overview of the duties and a review of the faculty member’s work making sure to clearly indicate whether the individual met or did not meet expectations in the role. The supervisor's review can also be used for retention/promotion and post-tenure review as needed. However, when an assistant or associate professor is serving in an assignment outside their department, for promotion to the next rank, the supervisor shall write a more elaborated letter regarding the overall length of service, duties, and indicators of quality for the candidate to include in the promotion portfolio.

For personnel review, the department will review work associated with department-related teaching, scholarship, and service. The department is responsible for requesting and including the review of the work external to the department to include in the review materials; however, the department’s determination of merit is based on department-related activities. Other personnel processes exist to address concerns regarding individuals who are not meeting expectations in limited-term appointments.

Merit. Merit designations are reported for promotion purposes and a faculty member needs to be considered meritorious to be eligible for pay plan or salary equity adjustments.

Full-time Appointment

For situations when a faculty member is assigned 100% outside of the department, the department (chair and/or committee) will determine the faculty member to be “meritorious” presuming that the outside review indicates that the individual has met or exceeded expectation.

In the years that merit monies are available, the salary of the faculty member’s position will be adjusted for an amount equal to the average of the merit monies awarded to the department faculty.

Partial Appointment

For situations when a faculty member has a partial appointment outside the department, the department will determine the faculty member to be “meritorious” for the outside portion of their work presuming that the outside review indicates that the individual has met or exceeded expectations. The faculty member’s

department work combined with the outside work will result in a designation of meritorious or in a designation indicating a higher merit category.

In the years that merit monies are available, the salary of the faculty member’s position will be adjusted an amount no less than the average of the merit monies awarded to the department faculty and the amount could exceed the average if the final designation is higher.

For departments that use point systems for merit scores, the merit evaluation from the outside supervisor should be weighted such that the faculty member maintains an average of the departmental score on the component of their work that is associated with the outside position. Regardless of the merit processes/procedures (point, ranked, categorical), if 50% or more of the faculty member’s assignment is outside the department and their supervisor has indicated their work as meritorious, the overall merit designation from the department should be “meritorious” or higher.

Revision history:
Original issuance was September 2016
Last updated was February 2018

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faculty personnel review, outside department activities, assignments outside home department, home department 
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Carri O. in UW-La Crosse
UW-La Crosse