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HR employee resources - Faculty Sabbatical resources

This guide provides resources for Faculty who are interested in receiving a sabbatical leave.

Faculty sabbatical program, established under state statute, are leaves granted for the purpose of enhancing teaching, course and curriculum development or conducting research or any other scholarly activist related to instructional programs within the field of expertise of the faculty member taking such leave.

Individuals granted Sabbatical leave should consult with the Human Resources to become further acquainted with benefit options and responsibilities.  Listed are just a few of the terms and conditions from the UW System administrative policy 160 that governs the sabbatical program.

Complete UW System information can be found in UW System administrative policy 160, (see also SYS 160.A sabbatical guidelines and SYS 160.B sabbatical leave agreement form).  Guidance on UWL sabbaticals and their relationships to other research grant and leave opportunities can be found on the Academic Affairs website.

Sabbatical Payment

Faculty members who take a one-semester sabbatical will be paid 100 percent of their salary.  Faculty members who take a full academic year sabbatical will be paid 65 percent of their salary.

Sick leave accrual during Faculty sabbatical

Sick leave will be accrued at the rate as was in effect immediately before the sabbatical leave began.  Faculty members who take a full year sabbatical will accumulate sick leave at the full-time rate. Monthly leave reports are required during sabbatical leave.

Returning to UW-La Crosse

UW System administrative policy 160 states that a faculty member awarded a sabbatical agrees to return to the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse for at least one academic year of service after the termination of the sabbatical, or repay any compensation (salary, plus the University's share of fringe benefits) received from UW-La Crosse during the sabbatical.

Supervisor & Human Resources responsibilities

An Employee Action Form must be completed and routed for appropriate signatures.  The form must include:

  •      Employee information
  •      Specific information on the length and dates of the sabbatical
  •      The department and college
  •      Funding source (if different from current funding)

Upon receipt of the completed Employee Action Form, a letter acknowledging the sabbatical length, percentage of payment and reference to UW System administrative policy 160 is generated for employee and their personnel file.

sabbatical, faculty, leave 
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Julia G. in UW-La Crosse
UW-La Crosse