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Closed Captioning (CC) - Services for Media

Information regarding closed captioning (CC) services for media available at UWL.

Captioning Capabilities of Content Creation and Management Tools and Video Conferencing Platforms

Closed captioning enhances the principles of universal design for viewers and learners. Instructors are encouraged to be proactive and provide CC with video materials used for teaching. Video content associated with any UWL public facing materials should also be captioned (e.g. promotional videos). Captioning provides an additional representation of information. 

Closed Captioning Options

CC Technology

KB Article

Synchronous Captioning

Asynchronous Captioning

 Kaltura Kaltura (Captioning) - Adding and Editing Captions  Not Applicable  Yes - Machine
 Teams - Microsoft Office 365 - Microsoft Teams - Use Live Captions in a Teams Meeting  Yes - machine captions  Yes - Machine if event is recorded
 Zoom  Zoom - Closed Captioning and Live Transcription  Yes - human or machine captions  Yes - Machine if event is recorded

Captioning Type Definitions:
  • Machine captioning uses a built-in artificial intelligence 
  • Human captioning is done by a person, either a paid transcription, meeting participant or after the fact
  • Synchronous means that it is happening in real time during the event
  • Asynchronous means that is is available at anytime since it is a recording

If an instructor has a student with a documented disability who needs captioning, please contact the
Disability Resource Center at 608-785-6900 or They will assist you with your captioning request.

Captioning for externally or already created video materials:

  • A third-party vendor is required offering transcription services at a per-minute charge.  For a student disability, contact the Disability Resource Center at 608-785-6900.
  • Kaltura allows the content creator to edit the machine generated captions and to add an editor to help edit.   

*Note: Due to high level of variation in the quality of captioning, it is important that the Disability Resource is consulted when the CC is being generated/created for a student with a documented disability.  A staff member with a documented need for accommodation should work through Human Resources. 

Closed, Captioning, CC, access, accessible, accessibility, video, teaching, learning, tools, features, kaltura, cisco, teams, microsoft, zoom, disability, resource 
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Owned by:
David H. in UW-La Crosse
UW-La Crosse