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HR employee resources - HR Acronyms

This resource provides employees with a listing of commonly used acronyms for HR and around campus.

If you are looking for commonly used terms in HRS, please visit:

AAAffirmative Action or Adverse Action
AAPAffirmative Action Plan
AASCUAmerican Association of State Colleges and Universities
AAUPAmerican Association of University Professors
ACAAffordable Care Act
Account Code11 digit number that identifies UW-La Crosse financial accounts
ACEAmerican Council on Education
ACSSAcademic and Student Services
ACT-CAPPAmerican College Testing-Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency
AD&D Accidental Death & Dismemberment
ADAAcademic Department Associate (Office Assistant)
ADA (HR)Americans with Disabilities Act
ADAAAAmericans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act
ADEAAge Discrimination in Employment Act
ADRAlternative Dispute Resolution
AIDACAcademic Initiatives Differential Allocation Committee
Allocable Student FeesMonies designated for student activities
AODAAlcohol and Other Drug Abuse for students
AOPAdvanced Opportunity Program 
ARAdvertisement Report in WINGS
ATSApplicant Tracking System
BFOQBona Fide Occupational Qualification
BLRBusiness and Legal Resources
BLSBureau of Labor Statistics 
BUBargaining Unit
Budget (Spending Authority)The allowable amount of money that can be spent in a department budget
Budget TransfersThe mechanism used to modify funds in the university
BYODBureau of Worker's Compensation
C&BCompensation & Benefits 
CACUBOCentral Association of College and University Business Officers
CanvasDigital learning environment
CARECampus Assessment Response and Evaluation 
Carry-overMoney left over in accounts after the end of each fiscal year
CASSHCollege of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (formerly College of Liberal Studies)
CATLCenter for Advanced Teaching and Learning 
CBACollege of Business Administration
CBOChief Business Officer
CCPCertified Compensation Professional 
CCSSECommunity College Survey of State Engagement
CD PPO HDHPConsumer Driver Preferred Provider Organization High Deductible Health Plan
CDRCentral Data Requests
CEBSCertified Employee Benefits Specialist
CEUSCDR Edit and Update Systems (See CDR)
CHROChief Human Resources Officer
Class CodesAccountancy codes assigned to UW System
COCompliance Officer
COBRAConsolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
COLACost of Living Adjustment 
Compensation Salaries and fringe benefits paid to employees
CPEContinuing Professional Education
CPIConsumer Price Index 
CSH (SAH, CSaH)College of Science and Health 
CTOCompensatory Time Off
CUPACollege and University Professionals Association for Human Resources
CWSCollege Work Study 
Debt ServicePrincipal and interest payments on capital 
DESDepartment of Education Studies 
DINDecision Item Narratives used to describe budget requests 
DOADepartment of Administration
DoITDivision of Information and Technology (Madison, campus)
DOLDepartment of Labor
DPIWI Department of Public Instruction
DPIDepartment of Public Instruction
DSFDivision of State Facilities
EAPEmployee Assistance Program
EBSEmployee Benefits Security 
EDPEmployee Development Plan
EEOEqual Employment Opportunity
EEOCEqual Employment Opportunity Commission
ELExtended Learning, formerly Continuing Education and Extension
EncumbranceExpenses not yet realized pending the rendering of service or delivery of goods
EOExecutive Officer
EOBExplanation of Benefits
EPAEqual Pay Pact
EPPAEmployee Polygraph Protection Act
EquityAdjustments to provide parity within the organization 
ERISAEmployee Retirement Income Security Act
ETFEmployee Trust Funds
ExpenseRecorded costs associated with expenditures
FCRAFair Credit Reporting Act
FERPAFamily Education Right to Privacy Act
FIPSEFund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education
FLSAFair Labor Standards Act
FMLAFamily and Medical Leave Act
FRFederal Register
FSAFlexible Spending Account 
FT Full-Time
FTEFull-Time Equivalent 
FTEFull-Time Equivalent 
FYFiscal Year
GAGraduate Assistant
GAPPGeneral Administrative Policy Paper
GCCGraduate Curriculum Committee
GINAGenetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
GPHRGlobal Professional in Human Resources 
GPOGeneral Program Operations 
GPRGeneral Purpose Revenue 
GPR/FeesPool of state revenues and academic tuition 
HCEHighly Compensated Employee
HCMHuman Capitol Management
HCOHealth Care Organization 
HCSHazard Communication Standard
HDHPHigh Deductible Health Plan
HEABHigher Education Aids Board 
HHSDepartment of Health & Human Services
HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIREHiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act
HLCHigher Learning Commission 
HMOHealth Maintenance Organization
HRHuman Resources
HRHuman Resources 
HRAHealth Reimbursement Account
HRDHuman Resource Development
HRISHuman Resources Information System
HRODHuman Resources Organizational Development 
HRSHuman Resources System, (HRS MyUW)
HSA Health Savings Account
I-9I-9 Employment Eligibility Documentation
IASInstructional Academic Staff
IASInstructional Academic Staff
IDACIndividuals with Disabilities Advocacy Council
IEInclusive Excellence
IIURLInstitute for Innovation in Undergraduate Research and Learning 
IRAIndividual Retirement Account
IRCAImmigration Reform and Control Act
IREInstitute on Race and Ethnicity 
IRSInternal Revenue Service
IT (ITS)Information Technology Services
JACAPJoint Administrative Committee on Academic Programs
JCOERJoint Committee on Employment Relations 
JDJob Description
JFCJoint Committee on Finance
JMACJoint Minority Affairs Committee
JP&B (JPB)Joint Planning and Budget Committee
JPBJoint Planning and Budget Committee
JPCJoint Promotion Committee
KPIKey Performance Indicators
KPMKey Performance Measures 
KSA'sKnowledge, Skills, Abilities 
LABLegislative Audit Bureau
LFBLegislative Fiscal Bureau
LMRALabor-Management Relations Act
LMRDALabor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act
LMSLearning Management System
LOALeave of Absence
LOSLength of Service 
LRLabor Relations
LTCLong-Term Care
LTDLong-Term Disability
LTELimited Term Employee
LTIPLong-Term Incentive Plan
LWOPLeave Without Pay
LWPLeave With Pay
M&D Multicultural & Disadvantaged
MAADMultiple Applications and Admissions Database
MBOManagement by Objectives
MBTIMyers-Briggs Type Indicator
Merit-MarketSalary increases based on market data
MHECMidwestern Higher Education Compact
MHPAMental Health Parity Act
MQsMinimum Qualifications 
MSEPMidwest Student Exchange Program
MUFASOMulticultural Faculty and Staff Organization
NACUBONational Association of College & University Business Officers
NCHEMSNational Center for Higher Education Management Systems
NE  Non-Exempt
NetIDUser name attributed to each employee by ITS
NIASNon-Instructional Academic Staff
NIASNon-Instructional Academic Staff
NIOSHNational Institute of Occupational Safety 
NLRANational Labor Relations Act
NLRBNational Labor Relations Board
Non-Allocable Student FeesMonies that include charges determined by contracts, commitments, bonds, etc.
NSSENational Survey on Student Engagement
OADDOffice of Academic Development and Diversity
OBOrganizational Behavior
OCRU.S. Office of Civil Rights
ODOrganizational Development
OFCCPOffice of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
OGCOffice of General Counsel 
OJTOn-the-job Training
ONETOccupational Information Network
OSEROffice of State Employment Relations
OSHAOccupational Safety & Health Administration
Pay PlanIncreases in salaries provided to state employees
PDPosition Description
PDPosition Description
PDAPregnancy Discrimination Act
PDQPosition Description Questionnaire
PHRProfessional in Human Resources
PIPPerformance Improvement Plan
PMPerformance Management 
PMISPlanning Management Information Systems, now IAIS
POSPoint of Service Plan
PPAPension Protection Act of 1987
PPACAPatient Protection and Affordable Care Act
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment 
PPOPreferred Provider Organization
PRProgram Revenue 
PR-FProgram Revenue - Federal funds
PTOPaid Time Off
PTSPromotion, Tenure, and Salary Committee
Purchase OrderDepartments obtain good and services through a PO
QRQuarterly Review
QWIQuarterly Workforce Indicators
Red BookRefers to Budgeted positions within the University 
RIFReduction in Force
RTWReturn to Work
S&ESupplies and Expense
SESalaried Exempt
SEC[Faculty] Senate Executive Committee
SECSecurities and Exchange Commission
SEGSegregated Revenue 
SEG FeesSegregated fees
SEIStudent Evaluation of Instruction
SHRMSociety for Human Resource Management
SHRM-CPSociety for Human Resource Management - Certified Professional
SHRM-SCPSociety for Human Resource Management - Senior Certified Professional
SMARTSmart, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely 
SMESubject Matter Expert
SNESalaried Non-Exempt
SOESchool of Education
Solid PerformanceAdjustments to those employees who demonstrate exceptional performance
SOXSarbanes-Oxley Act
SPHRSenior Professional In Human Resources
SSASocial Security Administration
SSDSocial Security Disability
STDShort-Term Disability
STEPSecondary Teacher Education Preparation Program
Student Share of CostsA portion of student costs paid by the student through tuition 
SUTAState Unemployment Tax Act
T&DTraining & Development
TAITeaching Assignment Information
TIPTalent Incentive Program
TNATraining Needs Assessment
TPAThird-Party Administrator
TSPThrift Savings Plan
UCCUndergraduate Curriculum Committee
UCIUnemployment Compensation Insurance 
USCISU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
User ChargesRevenue generated by charging an additional fee
USERRAUniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
UWSUniversity of Wisconsin System
UWSAHRUniversity of Wisconsin System Administration Human Resources
UWSSUniversity of Wisconsin Shared Services
VETSVeterans Employment and Training Service
VEVRAVietnam-Era Veterans Readjustment Act
VSAVoluntary System of Accountability
WARNWorker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
WCWorker's Compensation
Weighted AverageAverage used to take in different charges/costs
WHEGWisconsin Higher Education Grant 
WIAWorkforce Investment Act
WINGSStudent Information System on UW-La Crosse's Campus
WISDMUW-La Crosse budgeting and financial reporting system
Work OrdersRequests for department repair or orders
WRAEAWorkforce Reinvestment and Adult Education Act
WTCWestern Technical College
WTCSWisconsin Technical College System
X - No Listing
Y - No Listing
Z- No Listing 

KeywordsHR acronyms   Doc ID105773
OwnerCarri O.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2020-09-11 15:06:28Updated2020-09-11 15:06:34
SitesUW-La Crosse
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