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HR employee resources - PeopleAdmin Applicant Tracking - Supervisor/Chair - Advancing a position through the Recruitment Approvals at Level 2 or Level 3

This article provides information for Deans or Directors of positions on how to approve and advance a request for posting a recruitment in the PeopleAdmin system.
For Deans, Directors, or Vice-Chancellors who are at the "Level 2" or "Level 3" designation in the PeopleAdmin system, you will, on occasion, be asked to approve recruitment.  It is at this level of the Recruitment Process that you are signaling support for the recruitment and ensuring it has the proper administrative approvals to proceed.  

When reviewing the request, please pay careful attention to the job duties, qualifications, and work expectations.  These areas are critical to ensure the position is set up to attract the most - and best - candidates for the position.  

At the Level 2 state, after your review and approval, the Recruitment will still need to be reviewed by the Budget Office, Human Resources, and the Affirmative Action Officer.  At the Level 3 state, the Recruitment will be forwarded to HR for a Final Review and then posted. 

Step 1 - Log in to People Admin

The first step of this process is to log into People Admin.  

Step 2 - Navigate to the Recruitment requiring your attention

After logging into the PeopleAdmin System, you will be taken to your dashboard. Click on the title of the Recruitment in your "Inbox" that requires attention:


Step 3 - Reviewing the Recruitment

The next page will show you the summary information for all the posting details for the position.  For most Level 2 or Level 3 approvers, reviewing the summary tab is conducted. Please note,  If this review is occurring at Level 2, Budget, Human Resources, and Affirmative Action approvals happen after this state.  For Level 3 approvers, you will see all approved information in the search. 


Step 4 - Advance the Recruitment to the next state

For Level 2 users, you will review the posting and advance to "Budget Finance"


For Level 3 users, you will review the posting and advance to "HR Final Review".


KeywordsAdvance Level 2, PeopleAdmin approvals, approvals, Advance Level 3   Doc ID108570
OwnerCarri O.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2021-01-25 12:50:00Updated2023-11-13 12:25:27
SitesUW-La Crosse
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