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HR policy - Paid leave bank and vacation cash payouts

The purpose of this guideline is to establish the administration of vacation cash payouts and treatment of vacation balances upon movement, retirement or termination of employment at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
 Functional Owner Chief Human Resources Officer
 Executive Sponsors Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance
 Policy Contact Assistant Director for Payroll and Operations, Human Resources

Who this policy applies to:
Faculty, Academic Staff, University Staff.

The purpose of this guideline is to establish the administration of vacation cash payouts and treatment of vacation balances upon movement, retirement or termination of employment at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. 

Policy Detail:
Paid Leave Bank (formerly ALRA and classified sabbatical) and Vacation Cash Payouts

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

The purpose of this guideline is to establish the administration of vacation cash payouts and treatment of vacation balances upon movement, retirement or termination of employment at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. 

According to the UW System Operational Policy 1210, Faculty, Academic Staff and University Staff who retire or terminate employment are eligible to receive a lump sum payment of any remaining vacation and/or banked leave hours (formerly ALRA or classified sabbatical). 

Upon Hire
Employees hired by UW-La Crosse from another UW System institution or State of Wisconsin agency shall have all carry over vacation and/or banked leave hours paid out by the prior employer. It is UW-La Crosse’s practice not to accept vacation carryover and/or banked leave hours from an employee’s prior employment, unless an exception is granted by the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance.

Employees who retire from UW-La Crosse may extend their last day on payroll by no more than 30 calendar days beyond the last day worked by utilizing accrued leave hours (vacation, banked leave hours, personal holiday, legal holiday, and sick leave, as appropriate). Any remaining vacation or banked leave hours will be paid out as a lump sum according to the calculation method specified in UWSAP: 1210.

Employees who resign, are dismissed or are laid off from UW-La Crosse will end employment on their last day physically worked and any remaining vacation or banked leave hours will be paid as a lump sum according to the calculation method specified in UWSAP: 1210.

Internal Movement
If a UW-La Crosse employee moves from one leave-earning position to another leave-earning position within UW-La Crosse, all accrued vacation, vacation carryover and/or banked leave hours will move with the employee. 

If an employee moves to a new appointment that is not eligible to earn vacation, the balance of the accrued vacation and paid leave bank will be paid out as a lump sum at the end of the vacation earning position, utilizing the calculation as outlined in UW System Administrative Policy 230 (sec IV. J.).

External Movement
When an employee moves from one UW System institution to another or moves to a State of Wisconsin agency, any current vacation earned during the calendar or fiscal year shall transfer to the new leave-eligible appointment. The new hiring authority will determine if vacation carried over from a prior year and/or banked leave hours will be transferred to the new appointment. Any leave not accepted by the hiring institution or agency shall be paid by UW-La Crosse to the employee as a lump sum.

Revision history:
Last revision was August 2018

Supporting tools:
See "Links to related information"


Links to related information:

Keywordsvacation payout, leave banking   Doc ID103701
OwnerCarri O.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2020-07-07 13:35:12Updated2020-07-15 18:58:10
SitesUW-La Crosse
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