Topics Map > Human Resources

HR employee resources - Position descriptions

This guide provides information and resources on where employees can learn more about Position Descriptions, title, and classification.

Position descriptions are required for all positions at UWL.  You are encouraged to use the attached template as a starting point in drafting a position description.  The information you provide in the template will be reviewed by Human Resources and once finalized, can be transferred to the position management module in PeopleAdmin, where you are able to view and modify position descriptions for your subordinates.

Revision history:
Last reviewed was July 2020

Supporting tools:

The Budget Office maintains salary and compensation related elements of the position; Human Resources maintains titling and classification.

Links to related information:

Keywordsclassification, PD, position description, titling, title, appointment   Doc ID104278
OwnerCarri O.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2020-07-23 14:45:40Updated2020-07-23 14:53:40
SitesUW-La Crosse
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