Tableau - Training Resources

This document summarizes the training sources for Tableau that are available in the UWL KnowledeBase.

General Resources

Tableau Training Videos

Tableau offers numerous training videos on almost every aspect of using Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server. These resources will give users a general introduction to using this software. Users will need to create a free account in order to access the videos but having an account also allows a user to track the progress they've made through the training. The articles below outline the aspects of Tableau that are specific to our implementation of the software.

Requesting access to Tableau Server

The first step in using Tableau Server is to get access to the system. This article outlines this process.

Viewer Resources

Using Tableau Server

This article outlines how to log into and navigate Tableau Server.

Developer Resources

Purchasing a Tableau Desktop License (Internal KB)

In order to create and publish dashboards to the Tableau Server, a user must have access to a Tableau Desktop license.

Databases and Configuration (Internal KB)

In order to access databases where UWL data is stored, database connections needs to be configured. This article outlines this process. It is only accessible on the Internal KB site and requires a UWL Net ID and password.

Accessing Databases from Tableau Desktop (Internal KB)

This article outlines the process for connecting to university databases in Tableau Desktop.

Database Documentation (Internal KB)

This article outlines documentation and resources that are available for the university's databases to aid in the development of reports that use data from these sources.

Dashboard Standards (Internal KB)

This article contains dashboard standards to be used in the creation of new dashboards for Tableau Server.

Scheduling a Data Source to Refresh (Internal KB)

This article outlines the process for setting up a workbook published to Tableau Server to refresh automatically according to a schedule.

KeywordsTableau,data,training   Doc ID107414
OwnerMark H.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2020-11-27 23:10:10Updated2024-07-10 16:00:14
SitesUW-La Crosse
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