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HR employee resources - Viewing employee emergency contact information for first responders

This article provides a step by step guide on how first responders within University Police Services can view the emergency contact information for employees.

Before you begin, you must have been credentialed to receive the appropriate security access within the Human Resources Information System, (HRS). Please contact Human Resources at 608.785.8013 or for questions regarding access. 

Log into HRS

The first step in the process is to log into the Human Resources Information System, (HRS).  Please note, this is a different login than that of the MyUW Portal.  

Opening the Employee's Emergency Contact Information

You will be able to search by the employee's ID number or name.  You only need the first few letters of each the first and last name in order to find the person. 

Your search results will look like this: 


In the search results, click the name of the person for whom you are searching the emergency contact information. 

The Emergency Contact Dashboard

Once you have selected the employee, you will see a screen like this: 


Please click on the "Other Phone Numbers" to access the emergency contact's phone number.

As noted in the red boxes below, you will see the emergency contact name and phone number:


Keywordsemergency contact, police services, employee emergency contact   Doc ID108554
OwnerCarri O.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2021-01-25 08:41:35Updated2021-01-25 08:41:40
SitesUW-La Crosse
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