Topics Map > Cost Transfer Tool
Cost Transfer Tool - Reviewing and Approving Cost Transfers
This article outlines how to review and approve cost transfers in the Cost Transfer Tool.
When a cost transfer has been submitted for approval, the WISER manager and their delegates will receive a notification that they must log into the Cost Transfer Tool to approve the transfer. The notification will look as follows:

Review & Approval
In order to approve a cost transfer, please follow these steps:
1. Log into the Cost Transfer Tool:
2. Review the transfers listed in the "Transfer I need to Sign" section:

4. This will show the details of the transfer. Once reviewed, click on the "Approvals" tab in order to provide approval for the transfer:

6. If a transfer should not be approved, it can be:
a. Sent back to the Preparer
b. Sent back to the Division Representative
c. Corrected
By clicking the appropriate buttons on the Approvals tab.
7. These steps will complete the review and approval steps for a transfer.