Topics Map > Academic Advising

Navigate360: Cancel a previously scheduled appointment

How to cancel a previously scheduled appointment in Navigate360.

Cancel a previously scheduled appointment for another user

  1. Log into Navigate360 Navigate360: Accessing the Navigate360 Platform
  2. From the top of the Navigate360 page, click his symbol: Staff menu
  3. Select Appointment Center
    Select appointment center

Select location

Type the student's name in the search bar.

Search by student name

Any upcoming appointments the student has scheduled will appear.

View student appointments

Locate the appointment you want to cancel in the list, select Actions, and then Cancel from the dropdown menu,

Actions menu cancel

A new dialogue box will open. Select who you want to cancel the appointment for, and the reason from the drop down menu. Then click Cancel Appointment. The student will receive a message that the appointment has been canceled.

Cancel an appointment menu box

Cancel your own previously scheduled appointment

  1. Log into Navigate360 Navigate360: Accessing the Navigate360 Platform
  2. From your Staff Home, locate the Appointments Tab
    Staff Home Appointments Tab
  3. Find the appointment you wish to cancel from the list of upcoming appointments. Select the box next to that appointment.
    Select which appointment to cancel from list
  4. From the Actions menu, select Cancel Appointment from the menu.
    Select cancel from actions menu
  5. A new dialogue box will open. Select who you want to cancel the appointment for, and the reason from the drop down menu. Then click Cancel Appointment. The student will receive a message that the appointment has been canceled.
    Cancel appointent dialogue box

Navigate 360 Cancel Appointment 
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Jamie S. in UW-La Crosse
UW-La Crosse