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Canvas - How do I submit a file to an assignment? What do I do if there is an submission error?

This document will walk through how to submit a file to an assignment in Canvas. If you are trying to submit using Onedrive and get an error, it will also walk you through steps to download your file(s) to your device to submit.

Start Assignment

Select the Start Assignment button.

At the bottom of the page, the File Upload and Office 365 tabs will appear.

File Upload

  • If you are uploading a file from your computer, select the Choose File button. 
  • If you are attaching a file you have already uploaded to Canvas, select the text Click here to find a file you've already uploaded.
  • To upload more than one file, select, Add Another File. 
  • Once you have everything added for your assignment submission, select the button Submit Assignment.

File upload options to submit assignment

This short video (42 seconds) walks through these steps. 

Office 365

*If your instructor has restricted file submission types for the assignment (i.e. you can only submit as a doc, docx, pdf), it's recommended to download the file onto your device and submit with the File Upload option as you will likely get an error trying to use the Office365/Onedrive option. 

  • If submitting a file from Onedrive, select the Office 365 tab. 
    • You may need to Log In, follow the steps on the screen, and log in with your UWL email/password. 
  • You'll see a list of files and/or folders in your Onedrive, locate and select the checkbox next to the file you want. 
  • Click the Attach File button.
  • Then select the button Submit Assignment.

Office365 attach file screen

  • *If you get a red pop-up error box on your screen and cannot select the submit assignment button (it may look faded like the screenshot below), you will need to download your file and submit it through the File Upload option. 

submission error


24/7/365 Canvas Support is available through the help icon in Canvas, by calling the phone support for faculty, staff and students or email us directly at

Keywordsdoc, docx, pdf, rtf, Onedrive, link, submission, error, download   Doc ID113647
OwnerStephanie S.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2021-09-13 07:46:37Updated2024-10-23 08:16:08
SitesUW-La Crosse
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