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HR Policy - UW System Administrative Policy 1210 (formerly BN1) - Vacation, Paid Leave Banks, and Vacation Cash Payouts

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the administration of paid vacation for UW System employees. The policy covers eligibility, accrual, use, reporting, carryover, paid leave banks, annual vacation cash payouts and treatment of vacation balances upon movement or termination of employment.
 Functional Owner  UW System
 Executive Sponsors  UW System Level Policy 
 Policy Contact  Human Resources

Who this policy applies to:
This policy provides the policy framework vacation, paid leave banks, and vacation cash payouts for the university workforce except for employees of UW-Madison. 

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the administration of paid vacation for UW System employees. The policy covers eligibility, accrual, use, reporting, carryover, paid leave banks, annual vacation cash payouts and treatment of vacation balances upon movement or termination of employment. 

Policy Detail:

This UW System Policy is available on the UW System Policy Page.  For more information, please visit: 

paid vacation, vacation eligibility, vacation accrual, vacation use, vacation reporting, vacation carryover, paid leave banks, vacation payout, annual cash payouts, vacation granted, prorated vacation, unused vacation, vacation banking, leave reports, time worked, leave used 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Carri O. in UW-La Crosse
UW-La Crosse