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Navigate360: Report types and descriptions

A brief description of reports that can be ran through the Navigate360 reporting tool. The available reports will vary by each users role in Navigate360.
Reports and descriptions that can be run in Navigate360

Report Name

Report Description

Appointment Feedback Metrics Report

The Appointment Feedback Metrics report shows how many feedback requests are being sent by a template, how many responses the template has gotten, the response percentage, and information about the template itself.

Appointment Feedback Responses Report

The Appointment Feedback Responses report shows the responses that the students give to the feedback forms. It shows each question in the form, the question type, and the answers.

Appointment Campaigns Report

This report shows all Appointment Campaign requests and response information for a Care Unit. A single row represents a single appointment campaign request per student.

Appointment Summaries Report

This report shows any Appointment Summary created by a user within the platform. A single row in the report represents a single Appointment Summary with a Created Date in the date range chosen. If the Appointment Summary was created for multiple students, you find one row per student with the summary report data. For a student to be returned in the report, the student must be active in the terms selected. If no terms are selected, you retrieve all students active in any term with any appointment summaries in the date range chosen. 

Appointments Report

This report shows any appointment created by a user in Navigate360. A single row in the Appointments Report represents a single appointment instance with the Appointment Date within the date range chosen. If the appointment instance is a group appointment, you see a single row per student in the appointment. For a student to be returned in the report, the student must be active in the terms selected. If no terms are selected, you retrieve all students active in any term with any appointments in the date range chosen. An appointment must have an attendee in order for it to pull in the Appointments Report.

Check-Ins Report

The Check-Ins report shows any check-in for a visit in Navigate360. This includes appointments, track time, and record visit check-ins. A single row represents a single check-in within the date range chosen. This includes Appointments, Track Time, and Record Visit check-ins. If you have selected an enrollment term or terms, the student must be active in the terms selected to be returned in the results. Otherwise, the report retrieves all students active in any term with a check-in the selected date range.

Alerts Report

The Alerts report includes any user-created alert associated with the Navigate360 platform, along with associated details. This covers alerts created by campaigns or ad-hoc alerts. A single row represents a single alert instance within the selected date range. If you filter by enrollment terms, only students active in the terms return in the report results. If you do not filter by enrollment terms, you retrieve all students active in any term with any Alert instances in the date range chosen.

Cases Report

This report shows any Case created by a Navigate360 user and the associated details. The Cases report allows you to learn about open or closed cases at your institution, including who opened the case, who is assigned to the case, and the Case Closed Reason.

A single row represents a single Case instance in the date range.  If you have selected an enrollment term or terms, the student must be active in the terms selected, otherwise the report pulls all students active in any term with a case in the selected date range.

Progress Report Campaigns Report

This report shows all Progress Report campaign requests and response information.

A single row represents a single Progress Report request per student created in the date range chosen.

Progress Reports Report

This report shows any Progress Reports and Progress Report responses created by a user within the platform.

A single row represents a single Progress Report instance with a created date in the date range chosen. For a student to be returned in the report, the student must be active in the terms selected. If no terms are selected, you will retrieve all students active in any term with any Progress Reports in the date range chosen.

Surveys Report

The Survey Report shows Survey question results from any non-campaign surveys that were created and sent from the Survey Builder tool in the CAT. The results in this report do not show those responses from surveys created using the Survey Campaign functionality. Each row shows data related to a single answer to a survey.

Availabilities Report

This report shows any appointment, campaign, or drop-in availability created in the platform. These can be "forever" availabilities or availabilities for a defined date range. A single row in this report represents a single availability instance within the date range chosen. The Active field shows whether the availability is active or inactive on the day that you run this report. 

Students Report

This report shows general information for students in Navigate360. It also shows if the student can receive SMS communications from the Navigate360 short-code or a telephone number from the pool. A single row represents a single student in the Navigate360 platform.

KeywordsNavigate 360 Report Directory Description   Doc ID137253
OwnerJamie S.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2024-05-10 11:20:51Updated2024-08-29 13:37:46
SitesUW-La Crosse
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