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Canvas - How do I submit final course grades to WINGS?
By creating a grading scheme in Canvas you can sync your grades to WINGS.
Before you can sync your grades from Canvas to WINGS, you need to apply a grade scheme using the UWL letter grades: A, AB, B, BC, C, D, and F. Every semester, you will have to apply the grading scheme to each course you teach. After the grading scheme has been applied and the sync process has been completed in Canvas, you will still need to log into WINGS to verify grades were synced and to complete the grading process.
I. Applying a grading scheme
1. Log into Canvas and select the course.
2. Click Settings from the Course Navigation menu.
3. Make sure you are on the Course Details tab.

4. Scroll down to Grading Scheme and check the box for Enable course grading scheme.

5. Click set grading scheme. A window opens displaying the default grading scheme.
- The Canvas default grading scheme includes minuses and pluses, these grades will not sync with WINGS. You will either need to create your own grading scheme or use the preloaded WINGS Example Grading Scheme.
- If you want to create your own grading scheme, select manage grading schemes at the bottom right and +Add grading scheme. After saving, navigate back to Settings and then set grading scheme to follow the next steps to apply.
6. Click Select Another Scheme (top right).
7. Select the grading scheme to use (WINGS Example Grading Scheme or your newly created grading scheme).

8. Scroll down and click Use This Grading Standard.
9. Click Done. This will close the grading window.
10. On the Settings page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Course Details.
You are ready to sync your grades to WINGS.
- Verify by going to the Grades tab and seeing letter grades in the Total Column.
II. Sync to WINGS after applying a grading scheme
11. When your grades are ready to be synced to WINGS from Canvas, go to the Grades tab, select the Sync button in the right-hand corner and select Sync to WINGS.

You will get a notification that your sync has been scheduled. It takes about five minutes to get an update on the status.

If your grades haven’t shown up in WINGS after 15 minutes, check the Grade Sync icon for Failed syncing. If there is a fail, make sure you applied the grading scheme correctly and try again.

III. Verify and approve in WINGS
13. You must log into WINGS to verify grades were synced and to complete the grading process: Approving grades in WINGS. Contact the Records office for help with approving grades in WINGS.
- Video: Grading Scheme Set-up
- Canvas guide: How do I enable a grading scheme for a course?
- Canvas guide: How do I add a grading scheme in a course?
- Canvas guide: How do I use grading schemes in a course?
Tips and Tricks
- Grades need to be entered in each column present, dashes (-) in the columns do not count towards the final grade. Make sure 0's are entered or an excused mark (EX).
- The UWL letter grade scheme is created as an option in Canvas. If you prefer to use your own ranges, make sure to use the UWL letter grades: A, AB, B, BC, C, D, F.
- Grades do not get officially submitted until you log into WINGS and approve them.
- Does something not look right after syncing? Contact Canvas Support immediately and take screenshots to provide to them. This could be a bug that needs to be handled on their side.
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