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Web editing - What are the various parts of my pages?

Anatomy of a UWL page and what content is editable

Most UWL content pages are made up of 3 columns:

1. Left page menu and contact info
One the left side of the screen has two sections: "Page menu" and "Contact us", shown below with blue icons. The Page menu on the left side of the screen is edited by Web Services simply to prevent editors from deleting accidentally deleting their pages. The contact section is also edited by Web Services as it ties into various systems around campus. Some people refer to the left hand menu as tabs or page buttons, but we call it the Page menu. 
page menu

2. Middle main content column
The middle column contains three content zones. Content zones are areas of the site where blocks can be placed. Blocks are areas of the web page where you can insert text or other media. Think about these content zones like a lunch tray. You have a tray with designated areas for food and you can choose what type of food to put in each spot. Some spots might not have any food, some spots might have a lot of food. The content zones exist so that you can put blocks within them, where you want them. 
center column

Your welcome page will contain three content zones in the middle column: at the top will be an inherited zone, the middle will be a page specific zone and the bottom will also be inherited. What is inherited? Inherited zones mean the blocks placed in them will be inherited through each page under your welcome page. For instance, if you put a "Get Web help" button at the top of your page in the Inherited Main content top, it will appear on all of your subsequent pages. In between the two inherited zones is a standard, page specific zone. Anything you put in the Main content zone will only appear on the page you're currently working on.

Often times, web editors accidentally place a block in the inherited top section and get confused why it's showing on every page. A simple fix is to edit the welcome page, and drag the block in the Inherited Main content top down to Main content. 

3. Right column content
The right column is set up almost identically to the middle column. There are two inherited zones (top and bottom) and a page specific zone in between.
right column

Keywordscontent zones, content blocks, inherited, content   Doc ID98658
OwnerJake S.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2020-03-11 09:46:59Updated2020-12-07 10:20:54
SitesUW-La Crosse
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