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Canvas - How do I extend time on quizzes for individual students?
Read this first.
- Quiz availability dates (due/available until) still apply when moderating a quiz. If the Until date passes when students are taking the quiz with extended time, the quiz auto-submits even if the student's time extension has not expired. You can fix this by adjusting the available until deadlines on the quiz, instructions are below.
- Adjustments to extend time need to be completed before the student with the extension begins the quiz. If you make a change to the time after they have started the quiz, it won't impact the current attempt. At the bottom of this KB are suggestions on how to handle that situation.
Students can verify the amount of time they each individually have before they begin a quiz attempt. Encourage them to verify it's the time they should have before they begin.
How to add Extra Attempts, Extra Time: Classic Quizzes
After a quiz has been published, the quiz sidebar shows the Moderate Quiz link. This link allows you to moderate the quiz for individual students in your course. You can give students additional attempts, extra time for timed quizzes, and manually unlock quiz attempts. On this page, you can also check the progress of student submissions and view the number of quiz attempts each has taken.
How to add Extra Attempts, Extra Time: New Quizzes
After opening the quiz to the build page, you will see the Moderate option on the top. This link allows you to moderate the quiz for individual students in your course. You can give students additional attempts, extra time for timed quizzes or remove the time limit, and manually unlock quiz attempts. On this page, you can also track the progress of student submissions and view the number of quiz attempts each has taken.
How to Extend Deadlines (due dates): Assignments & Quizzes (classic & new)
- Canvas guide: How do I assign an assignment to an individual student?
Issue: Added time extension after the student began the quiz
If a student begins an exam and you add the accommodation after that, it will not impact their current attempt. A fix for this is to have the student submit their current attempt immediately and the instructor can use the moderate options to give them an additional attempt. The extended time will then be available for their next attempt. (Keep in mind the due dates as well if you are having them take it within a certain exam period, see the Read this first part of this KB).