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Navigate360: Disconnect calendar sync

How to disconnect your calendar sync in Navigate360

1) Locate the calendar icon on the toolbar to open your Navigate360 Calendar.

Calendar Icon Toolbar

2) Click the Settings and Sync link at the top right-hand corner of the Calendar Screen.

Settings and Sync Button

3) Select Disconnect sync...

Successful Sync Message Box

4) Confirm that you would like to disconnect your calendar.

Confirm disconnect of sync

You will then have the option to keep your calendar unsynced with Navigate360, or to resync at another time. (Navigate360: Microsoft Outlook 365 Sync)

KeywordsNavigate 360 Calendar Sync disconnect   Doc ID109118
OwnerJamie S.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2021-02-17 16:48:51Updated2024-08-29 13:38:27
SitesUW-La Crosse
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