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Canvas - How do I use Turnitin?

Turnitin is an originality checking service that checks submitted documents against its database and the contents of other websites with the goal of identifying plagiarism. When you create an online file upload assignment, you will see the option for Plagiarism Review. You can change None to Turnitin and adjust options accordingly within the assignment. You will use SpeedGrader for grading and the originality percent will display within the assignment grading area.


Tips and Tricks

  • When viewing a student submission in SpeedGrader you will see a similarity score (as a percentage) in the right panel. Clicking on that score will open the detailed Turnitin report for that student’s submission.
  • If you want to submit an student assignment through Turnitin after the due date, you can activate Turnitin on the assignment by editing to online file upload/Plagiarism Review. Then, go to SpeedGrader for the assignment and click "Resubmit to Turnitin".

Turnitin Technical Support: or email us at

KeywordsCanvas, similarity, report, plagiarism, LTI, originality, sources, bibliography, quotes, exclusions, integration   Doc ID98698
OwnerStephanie S.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2020-03-11 15:40:27Updated2023-06-05 15:27:39
SitesUW-La Crosse
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