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Canvas - How do I add images to quizzes?

Known, ongoing Canvas issue: Images not loading for some students during Canvas quizzes.

Tips for instructors when making a quiz that contains images  

Creating a quiz from the beginning  

  • Upload images into clearly labeled/organized file folders in Canvas files area. 
    • Use a clear and consistent naming convention. 
    • Know that when students right-click (or control click on a Mac) the file name appears. Give the image a name that make sense to you but does not give away the answer. 
  • Use smaller sized images.  
    • Image resize directions: Mac | PC   
    • Save images as .jpg or .png files.  
    • Note: When you add images from the Rich Content Editor, you can reduce image size as you are embedding images into the question.  
  • Embed images through the Rich Content Editor.  
  • Have quiz questions load one at a time, so they aren’t trying to all load at once on a page.    
    • If you use this approach, be sure to share in this expected quizzing behavior and set-up in the quiz directions. 
  • Build in a few additional minutes of quiz time for students if you have multiple images. This way, you will account for the slow loading time for students with slow internet connections.  
  • Check the student tips below for when students run into issues so you can help them troubleshoot. Direct them to these instructions in the Knowledge Base if they have recurring issues.

Importing/Copying a quiz from another course  

  • If you import all content from a previous course, go into each quiz question, edit the question, and re-link the images from the Rich Content Editor. Otherwise the quiz will be trying to show images from the course you imported the quiz from.   
  • If you are importing quizzes piecemeal or pulling questions from a bank, make sure to also import the image folders and re-link the images from the Rich Content Editor
  • Make sure the image files (and the subsequent folder) are published in the Canvas files area; images used in quizzes should be published in the course. NOTE: A lock icon means the image is not published in your files and students will not be able to see it.   

Resources for instructors  

Tips for helping students while taking the quiz  

  • Have students use the most updated version of Chrome.  
  • Have students clear their cache before taking a quiz and make sure all other programs are closed. Here is a link on how to clear the browser and refresh the page.  
  • Use the best internet connection possible (this may mean finding another location or using an ethernet cord.)  
  • If an image isn’t showing for the student and they are using Google Chrome, have them right-click (PC) or control click (Mac) on the broken image icon and open in a new tab. The student can either view the image in the tab, or it should be visible now in the quiz.

    Keywordsimage, picture, questions, view, quiz, new quizzes,   Doc ID106830
    OwnerStephanie S.GroupUW-La Crosse
    Created2020-10-26 14:17:49Updated2023-06-29 10:56:59
    SitesUW-La Crosse
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