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Navigate360: Staff Home Overview

An overview of the information available in the Staff Home page of Navigate360.

The Staff Home page is the default landing page when opening Navigate360.  It allows you to view key tools that enable you to take action on student success-related tasks.

If you would prefer to have another page load initially when you are opening Navigate360, please see Navigate360: Setting your user settings

Make sure that Staff Home is selected. If you are also a UWL Instructor, you will be able to switch to your Professor Home (Navigate360: Professor Home) here as well.

Staff Home Example

Main Menus

Along the top of each screen in Navigate360 you will always find the same features.


Appointment Queue MenuIf you are part of an office that uses a check-in process, you will be notified here of students who have checked in for their appointments
Messages MenuIf you have any new messages from a student, you will be notified here
Minimized dialogueIf you have minimized an Appointment Summary Report Window, you can access minimized windows here

The Quick Search bar can be used to find students by their name, email address, or ID number.

Quick Search Bar

EAB Resources and Help articles can be found in this menu.

Use this button (it will be your initials or a photo) to log out of Navigate360.

Log out menu

Some of the information you are able to see in Navigate360 is based on your role within the platform. So, you may not have all of the tabs/menus listed below.  Navigate360 gives users easy access to a lot of valuable information.

Students Tab

Students assigned to you as their advisor will appear here.

You can further sort your assigned students from 3 menus above the roster of student names

List Type: List all assigned students, or students on certain Navigate360 Lists (Navigate360: Using Student Lists)

Term: Select the term for which students you wish to look for. Navigate360 will default to the current term.

Relationship Type: If you have various roles on campus, you may have alternate relationship types within this menu.

From this grid, you can take many different actions on these students, depending on your user permissions. These actions could include sending messages, creating appointment summary reports, scheduling appointments, adding a student to a student list, or exporting a list of included students.

Actions Menu

Upcoming Appointments

Upcoming Appointments tab. This page lists your upcoming appointments for the next 30 days, as well as your recent appointments and any appointment summary reports you have filed about those students.(Navigate360: Creating appointment summary reports

Upcoming Appointments Tab

Recent appointments tab

My Availability

If you wish to schedule appointments in Navigate360, you must set your availability. For more information, refer to Navigate360: Setting up availability.

Recent Appointments
Appointment Queues

The Appointment Queue stab shows a list of students checked in for their appointments (including virtual check-ins), students in your queue, and students in other queues.
Appointment Queue


Quick Links is a section on the right-hand side of your Home page that provides easy access to different features within the platform, such as scheduling, recording attendance, or tracking appointment campaigns (Navigate360: Creating an appointment campaign). Clicking on a quick link will direct you to different locations in the Navigate 360 platform. The links that display are specific to your role at your institution and may not exactly mirror those shown in the screenshot below.

Quick Links Menu on the Staff Home Page

KeywordsNavigate 360 Staff Home Homepage   Doc ID106864
OwnerJamie S.GroupUW-La Crosse
Created2020-10-27 17:07:40Updated2024-08-29 14:21:13
SitesUW-La Crosse
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