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Topics Map > Networking & System Admin
Wireless - Connecting to UWL-Eagle WiFi (Android and Chrome OS)
This document explains how to connect Android and Chrome OS devices to the UW-L Eagle wifi network.
Note: The menu arrangement may vary depending on device manufacturer and Android OS.
Locate Wi-Fi in Settings.

Select UWL-Eagle.

- EAP method, select PEAP.
- Phase 2 authentication, select MSCHAPV2 (Note: This may be located under "Advance" for Android devices running a newer Android OS)
- CA certificate, select Don't validate or Do not validate. On some Pixel devices, if there's no option to Not Validate, select Use System Certificate, and enter as the domain.

Samsung Galaxy (S10)
If needing to fill in the Domain, then enter in as the domain in order to continue.
For Identity, enter in your NetID. *Note: Your NetID is the first part of your UWL email address without the "" part.
Leave Anonymous identity blank.
For Password, enter in your UWL password.
Select CONNECT. Note: If your device is unable to connect then check the Privacy setting for wi-fi connections and make sure Use Device MAC or Use Phone MAC is chosen (not all devices have this setting) - if this does not work, select the option for using a Randomized Mac Address, and then Connect
- For Chromebooks, the same steps apply, however Wi-Fi options can be found at the bottom right of the desktop.
- Please ensure that you have "Allow other users of this device to use this network" toggled on.
Note: Interface may vary but should look similar between Linux operating systems like the image below.